Monday, May 20, 2013

Wanderlust-5 Year List: Trip #1

One of the things I love doing the most is traveling, even if it's just getting out of town for the weekend. This year on our anniversary I was 8 months pregnant so a trip was pretty much out of the question.

But don't worry...I have big BIG plans for all of our other anniversaries. What better excuse to travel than celebrating another year of icantbelievewemadeit wedded bliss.
I'm officially declaring that every year for our anniversary, the husband and I travel somewhere new. Hopefully the husband will agree.

God willing we have 50+ anniveraries left and way more than 50 new places I want to visit. And don't worry...once a year family trips will happen too, but they get their own list:)

So without further adieu...MY 5 year Wanderlust List beginning with Trip #1:



Palace of Versailles



Mont St-Michel and the beaches of Normandy

Although I've been to all these places except Mont St-Michel, I can't wait to experience them with my husband.

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